Journals week in review: news from One Microsoft Way
By Emil Protalinski | Published: July 26, 2008 - 04:45PM CT
As is its custom, Microsoft generated a lot of headlines this week. The software giant may be the world's largest software manufacturer, but sometimes it seems to us like it has more people working in its press release department than anywhere else. Here's what happened this past week:
Internet Explorer 8 final to arrive by the end of 2008. Microsoft has finally given an official timeframe in which we can look forward to for the release of Internet Explorer 8. The world's most popular browser is about to get one of the biggest updates yet, and with all the browser alternatives out there, the world wants to know if Microsoft has what it takes to start competing again.
IE8终于要在2008年年底推出 。微软终于给出一个官方的时间框架,让我等盼望IE8出炉的粉丝也有了盼头。这款世界上最流行的浏览器终于要迎来有史以来最大的一次更新了,在有那么多替代品的情况下这个世界非常想知道微软到底有没有能力再和他们大干一场。
Microsoft lies to XP users—and they start to love Vista. This is simple marketing at its best: Microsoft took a bunch of XP users, told them they were using a new version of Windows codenamed Mojave, they used it and loved it, and then they were told they had been using Vista all along.
微软对XP用户说谎-他们开始喜欢Vista了 。这完全是他也能想得出来的一种推广手段而已:微软找来一帮XP用户,告诉他们说这是一种新的版本的XP,代号为Mojave,他们用了之后非常喜欢,然后他们被告知说他们实际上一直在用Vista。
Blogger gets $200 check from HP for declining Vista's EULA. Blogger buys laptop with Vista. Blogger sees EULA and says he wants Linux instead. Blogger calls, e-mails, and writes a letter to HP. Blogger receives $200 check from HP refunding his purchase of Vista.
Blogger因为拒绝Vista的最终用户许可协议(EULA: end user license agreement )从惠普拿回$200 。Blogger买了预装Vista的笔记本。Blogger看到了最终用户许可协议然后说他想要的是Linux。Blogger打电话,写邮件甚至写信给惠普,最后Blogger从惠普拿到了$200用于购买预装Vista的费用。
Windows Search 4.0 begins to arrive on Windows Update. Windows Search 4.0 became available in early June, and Microsoft has begun to deploy it to XP and Vista users. The new version makes the search function faster (both searching and indexing), adds new features, and improves reliability. Oh, and Microsoft isn't charging a dime for it.
Windows搜索4.0开始出现在Windows的更新中 。Windows搜索4.0在六月上旬的时候发布,微软开始在XP和Vista中调用最新的搜索。新的版本搜索功能更快(搜索和索引),添加了一些新的功能,提高了稳定性。并且这次微软不收一个子。
Result of the Caligari acquisition: trueSpace 7.6 goes free. Speaking of not charging anything, Microsoft has done something that amateur 3D designers should be quite happy about. Following the acquisition of Caligari, the company has released trueSpace 7.6 for free. Furthermore, 3D models made with it can be uploaded directly into Live Search Maps and Virtual Earth.
Caliqari收购结果:trueSpace7.6开始免费 。说到免费,微软最近做的一些事肯定讨业余三维设计师的欢心。在收购Caligari后,公司免费发布了trueSpace 7.6。并且用这款软件建造的三维模型可以直接上传到Live搜索地图中和虚拟地球上。
WorldWide Telescope breaks 1 million download mark. In less than two months since its release, Microsoft's WorldWide Telescope has broken the 1 million download mark. This really doesn't surprise us, since the software completely trounces Google Sky in every aspect (for now).
WorldWide Telescope下载突破100万下载记录 。在发布不到两个月的时间里微软的WorldWide Telescope已经突破了100万的下载量。这没有什么值得奇怪的,因为这款软件无论从哪个方面都比Google Sky强劲(暂时看来)
Microsoft: what new features should the Windows SDK have? All right all you Windows application developers out there, this is your chance! Microsoft wants you to vote on a list of potential new and improved features for the Windows SDK. If yours isn't there, the company is also taking your suggestions.
微软:新的Windows软件开发工具包应该包括什么特征? 好啦所有的windows应用程序开发者,机会来了!微软想让你来为软件开发者工具包中候选的新功能或改进的功能投票。如果你要的不在里面,微软可能会采取你的建议的。
Windows Home Server Power Pack 1 finally arrives. Microsoft has finally released Windows Home Server (WHS) Power Pack 1. The power pack includes support for home computers running Windows Vista x64 editions, can backup home server Shared Folders, includes improvements to remote access, and has more efficient power consumption and performance. Oh yeah, and it fixes that annoying file corruption bug.
Windows家庭服务器超级工具集1终于发布 。微软终于发布Windows家庭服务器超级工具集1。这款超级工具集包括对使用Vista 64位版本的家庭电脑的支持,可以备份家庭服务器共享文件夹,包括对远程访问的改进,耗电量更低。最棒的是它还解决了非常烦人的文件错误的臭虫。
Outlook Connector 12.1 supports Windows Live Calendar sync. Outlook users finally have what they so badly wanted: the new version of Outlook Connector should sync seamlessly with both Windows Live Hotmail and Windows Live Calendar beta. You'll need to make a few clicks to set it up, install the program, and login with your Windows Live ID. After that, the software will do the rest.
Outlook Connector 12.1开始支持Windows Live日历同步了 。Outlook终于可以得到他们一直期望的东西了:新版本的OutlookConnector会无缝的同步Windows Live Hotmail和Windows Live日历测试版。首先你要点击下安装这款程序,然后使用你的Windows Live帐号登陆。其余的软件会全部搞定。
Tattooed Zune Boy has change of heart, will cover tattoos. Arguably the biggest Zune fan on this planet has matured, ever so slightly. After getting three Zune tattoos, and being sneered and laughed at for doing so, "mszunefan" has decided that he doesn't want them anymore.
纹身的zune小伙变心了,他会盖掉所有的纹身 。这颗星球上最具争议的最大的Zune粉丝终于成熟了,尽管只是那么一点点。在做了三个Zune纹身后,他曾经因此被人耻笑过被人与弄过。“微软zune粉”最终受够了。
Be sure to check One Microsoft Way every day for your fix of Microsoft news.
了解最新的微软新闻每天盯住One Microsoft Way好了。
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