Monday, July 14, 2008

Gmail Superstars

One of the 13 features added to Gmail Labs in May is Superstars, an extension of Gmail's starring system. Instead of using a single star to flag all the messages, you can choose between 12 icons. 五月份推出的Gmail实验室测试的13种功能之一超级星标,是原来加注星标功能的扩展,现在有12种星标供你选择。 After enabling Superstars in Gmail Labs and clicking on "Save changes", go to the settings and select the icons you want to use. The exclamation mark is useful to flag important messages, quotes could show that a message needs a reply, while the info icon could be used for messages that contain valuable information. 在Gmail实验室打开超级星标功能后点击保存修改,到设置里面选择你打算用的星标。感叹号可以用来标记重要的消息,问号表示这条信息需要回复,信息标志用来标注含有有价值内容的消息。 To star messages faster, enable keyboard shortcuts in the settings. "The superstars will rotate when you press the 's' keyboard shortcut or when you click successively," explains Google. "Rotating through the superstars only works when you click (or hit 's') successively. If you pause for a second, then the next click will turn off the superstar. It's designed this way so that if you never click successively, then you'll just get the original on/off toggle behavior." 要快速的加注星标最好在设置里打开快捷键。“你连续按S快捷键或者连续点邮件前的五角星的时候超级星标会滚动显示。”只有连续点(或连续按S键)的时候超级星标才会滚动显示。如果你暂停一秒,再点的时候就会把超级星标关掉。如果你不是连续的点就只有开关的动作,这一功能就是这样设计的。 If you want to find the messages that have a certain kind of star, use one of the following queries: 如果你想查找加注某一星标的邮件,用下面的关键词搜索吧: has:yellow-star (or l:^ss_sy) 黄色星星 has:blue-star (or l:^ss_sb) 蓝色星星 has:red-star (or l:^ss_sr) 红色星星 has:orange-star (or l:^ss_so) 橘色星星 has:green-star (or l:^ss_sg) 绿色星星 has:purple-star (or l:^ss_sp) 紫色星星 has:red-bang (or l:^ss_cr) 红色感叹号 has:yellow-bang (or l:^ss_cy) 黄色感叹号 has:blue-info (or l:^ss_cb) 蓝色信息标志 has:orange-guillemet (or l:^ss_co) 橘色引号 has:green-check (or l:^ss_cg) 绿色勾号 has:purple-question (or l:^ss_cp) 紫色问号 You can enable the Quick Links labs feature to save some of these queries so that they are always accessible with a single click. Just search for has:blue-star or any other value and click on "Add Quick Link". 你也可以打开实验室的快捷链接功能来保存其中的一些搜索结果,这样只要点一下就可以直接进入搜索结果页面。搜索has:blue-star或别的关键词然后点击添加快捷链接。

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