Monday, July 14, 2008

iPhone software version 2.0 cracked

Version 2.0 of Apple's iPhone software has already been cracked, within hours of the launch of the new 3G handset.

The crack has been created by the iPhone Dev Team, the same group behind the jailbroken version of the original iPhone software.

这次破解出于iPhone Dev Team之手,根据原有iPhone操作系统修改的越狱版也出自同一个组织。

The original version took the team two months to crack, but the group has been working with the beta release of the new software since its announcement in March.


The crack will allow customers to useSIM cards from various network suppliers with the new 3G handsets, as well as generation one phones which have been updated with the latest version of the operating system.

The crack was popular before the UK launch of the original iPhone as it allowed handsets purchased in the US to be used on UK contracts.


While this is less of an issue now that the handset is officially available in many more countries, it will allow users to install pay-as-you-go SIM cards prior to the release of the non-contract version.


O2 said earlier this week that the pay-as-you-go version of the 3G iPhone will be available only "later this year", even though the contract version launched today.

O2在这周早些时候说虽然今天合约版的3G iPhone正式上市,但是随用随付的版本要等到年底才会发售。

It will also allow full read and write permission for the entire file system, letting users upload unofficial, or even pirated, applications for use on the handset.


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