Photosynth Launches
微软的照片合成服务Photosynth上线from Google Operating System by Ionut Alex Chitu
Two years after the first technology preview, Microsoft officially launched Photosynth, an interesting way to combine overlapping photos from a place and explore the place in detail from different angles. "Using techniques from the field of computer vision, Photosynth examines images for similarities to each other and uses that information to estimate the shape of the subject and the vantage point the photos were taken from. With this information, we recreate the space and use it as a canvas to display and navigate through the photos."第一次技术展示后过去了整整两年微软photosynth终于正式上线了,这项服务非常有趣的功能是可以把一个地方的照片叠起来,这样可以从不同的角度欣赏一个地方了。“利用电脑成像技术,Photosynth分析照片中的相似点并利用这些信息创建一个物体的外形和照片拍摄的最佳位置。有了这些信息我们可以再现空间并且把它变成一张画布,在上面可以展示浏览这卸照片。”
PhotoSynth requires a Windows-only plug-in that also lets you create synths, but the results depend on the number and quality of your photos. Microsoft suggests to "start by taking a panorama of your scene, then move around and take more photos from different angles and positions. When moving around objects, try to get one photo every 25 degrees or so. That will make the synth work better."
There are some interesting places that can be explored, but this technology will become really useful in conjunction with geocoded photos from sites like Flickr or Panoramio. Google Maps already overlays photos from Panoramio, so the next step could be to combine these photos using "Panoramio Look Around", but the results won't be anywhere close to Photosynth.
现在已经有一些好玩的地方 逛了,如果和Flikr或Panoramio等带有地标的网站结合起来这项技术就非常的有用了。Google地图已经把Panoramio往上堆了,下一步就是逛利用Panoramio的到处逛把这些图片整合起来了,但是效果和Photosynth根本没法比。
Panoramio地图相册,是一个全球定位系统带坐标特征地理及地方相片上载分享网站。Panoramio 采用Web 2.0,免费会员制,可以上载及下载自拍照及网上留言及互相品评对方的数码照片。
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