Thursday, August 7, 2008

Google April Fool’s Jokes Galore


Japan started early with the April 1st specialties, but the jokes continue. Thanks to everyone who helps collecting Google’s April Fool’s pranks in the forum (or sent in things via mail)! Here’s the list of Google’s jokes and Google-related pranks from over the web, which I may update during the day (for all items I’ll add the disclaimer that it’s likely it’s a hoax, but some of the items may not be!):


  • Google Book Search now supports reproducing the smell of scratch-and-sniff based books. “Using special equipment and tricky JavaScript, we’re now able to capture some of the smells during the scanning process and then embed them in your web browser when you preview these titles in Google Book Search,” their blog says, pointing to several examples.
  • Google图书搜索现在支持再生成原来味道的书籍了。“利用特殊的工具和巧妙的JavaScript,我们现在在扫描的过程中可以获取一些味道,当你在Google图书搜索中预览这些书名的时候我们会把这些味道嵌入到你的浏览器里,”他们在日志 里写道,并且链接了一些例子
  • The Google Talk blog reports wants to help lower CO2 emissions and starts reducing the characters you send... by converting them to instant-messenger-speak. For instance, the sentence “As far as I’m concerned, you can give me the twenty dollars you owe me when I see you later.” will be automatically translated to “AFAIC, U can gve me the 20 $$ YOM whn I CUL8R.” before it reaches the other person. You can already see how your texts will translate thanks to the working bot.
  • Google Talk日志报道说他们打算开始减少你发送的字符数量以帮助降低二氧化碳的排放...把你发送的文字转化成简化的聊天语言。比如这一句“依我看回头你可以把欠我的二十块钱还我。(As far as I’m concerned, you can give me the twenty dollars you owe me when I see you later.)”在另一个人看到之前就会被转自动译成“AFAIC, U can gve me the 20 $$ YOM whn I CUL8R.”。多亏了working bot你现在就可以看到你的文字是怎么转译的。
  • Google started Virgle, a team-up Google Inc and the Virgin Group. The goal? To establish a permanent human settlement on Mars, because as Virgin’s Richard Branson writes on the official Google blog, “Larry Page, Sergey Brin and I feel strongly that contemporary technology is sufficiently advanced to make such an effort both successful and economical, and that it’s high time that humanity moved beyond Earth and began our great, long journey to explore the stars and establish our first lasting foothold on another world.” In a video, Sergey Brin announces “We’re going to select the very first settlers of the planet Mars.” The apparent reason for launching this project now seems to be that “Earth has issues,” as the Virgle homepage states.
  • Google发起了Virgle,Google公司和Virgin集团合作的项目。目标?在火星建立人类永久居住地,因为Virgin的Richard Branson在Google官方日志里写道,“Larry Page, Sergey Brin和我认为要成功经济的实现这个目标现在的科技完全足够了,是人类迈出地球,开始星际伟大征程,在另一个世界建立永久立足点的时候了。”在一个视频 里,Sergey Brin宣布说“我们打算筛选一些将要定居火星的先行者。”启动这一项目的直接原因是Virgle主页上显示的“地球出问题了”。
  • The German Google Watch Blog announced they’ll be shutting down to launch a competitor to Google Street View for Germany. Image samples from Berlin and other locations are provided in the post. Called CityMap, the service has a nice feature of overlaying people’s faces with smileys to better protect their privacy.
  • 德国的Google观察日志宣布他们将要关掉自己的日志发布一款与Google德国街景地图竞争的产品。该帖子还提供了一些柏林和其他一些地方的图片。这款称为CityMap的服务比较好的一个特征是用图标盖住人的脸以更好的保护他们隐私。
  • Ionut Alexandru Chitu got the scoop on OpenGoogle. The product sounds nice – “The project ... will allow anyone to create a search engine that uses Google’s index, but has a custom ranking algorithm and a personalized interface. You’ll be able to select from a list of approximately 100 ranking signals like: the page’s self-importance, the number of original ideas, the IQs of their authors, the number of links from Wikipedia, and decide their importance.” – but I get a feeling Google and the web at large is over-using the “open” word. On a side-note, the OpenGoogle system determines that Ionut’s IQ is 125; when I asked Ionut for a statement he told me it’s “off by 50” though he didn’t say in which direction.
  • Ionut Alexandru Chitu拿到了OpenGoogle的独家新闻。这款产品听起来非常的不错-“这个项目...允许任何人使用Google的索引创建自己的搜索引擎,同时使用定制的排名算法和个性化的页面。你可以从一个包含100中排名方式的列表中选择:网页自身的重要程度,独创观点的数量,作者的智商,维基百科链接的数量,然后决定他们的重要性。”-但是我的想法是Google和这个网络滥用了开放这个词。在一个旁注里OpenGoogle系统认为Ionut的智商是125;我问Ionut怎么解释时,他说起码差了50,但是他没有讲是多了50还是少了50。
  • YouTube is rickrolling its users big-scale. All the featured videos on the frontpage are currently linking to Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up. Or, as a commenter at YouTube puts it in the comments to the video, “HAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA lol nice youtube”.
  • YouTube故意大规模的错误引导用户。YouTube首页上所有特色视频都链接到Rick Astley的 Never Gonna Give You Up。“HAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA youtube放声大笑吧(lol laugh out loud)”。
  • Over the next days, Google Documents will roll out a Google Gears-powered offline version (I can’t see it yet). Straight from the official Google Docs Blog announcement and as discussed in our forum, this has to be the silliest joke of them all, because in this day and age, nobody is ever offline, so it’s a useless feature. “When I lose my connection, I sacrifice some features,” the Google Docs blog writes, putting up a straw man argument, “but I can still access my documents... Everything I need is saved locally ... When my connection comes back, my documents sync up again with the server.”
  • 在接下来的几天里Google文档会推出Google Gears支持的离线版本(我还没有看到)。Google Docs官方日志 宣布了这一功能,我们的论坛也在讨论,这是他们的最过分的一个玩笑,因为到现在为止没有人离线过,因此这是一个无用的功能。“没有网络的时候有些功能会用不起来,”Google Docs日志写道,开始一个二人转式的争论,“但是我还可以看到我的文件...所用我需要的东西都保存在本地磁盘了...当我可以上网的时候我的文件会同步到服务器上。”
  • Google Australia delivers gDay with MATE technology to “search content on the internet before it’s created,” i.e., from the future. From the page: “Google spiders crawl publicly available web information and our index of historic, cached web content. Using a mashup of numerous factors such as recurrence plots, fuzzy measure analysis, online betting odds and the weather forecast from the iGoogle weather gadget, we can create a sophisticated model of what the internet will look like 24 hours from now.” I saw this yesterday already and tried to search for “Google Blogoscoped” and indeed, found this post and opened its Google Cache version – I was then able to copy the full text of the post, which saved me a lot of writing today.
  • Google澳大利亚发布了采用即时机器推断科技可以用来搜索网上尚未被创建的内容的gDAY,比如,未来的事件。该页面上写道“Google蜘蛛会检索公共的网络信息,比如保存的历史记录的检索内容。通过整合大量的因素,比如重现的细节,模糊分析法,在线投注赔率和iGoogle天气插件的天气预报,我们开发了一款复杂的系统预测未来24个小时内网络发展。”昨天我就看到这个了,还试着搜索了一下“Google Blogoscoped”,真的发现这个帖子了并且打开了Google缓存的版本 -还好我把整篇文章都拷了下来,省了我今天的不少写作时间。
  • A website covering alternative search engines urges people to make April 1st the new Annual Day Without Google. “Choose one, choose several, but for One Day give the Alternative search engines a fighting chance and see what life would be like without Google. It will be alright. Really.” (I’ll pass – while I could probably imagine to stop use Google search entirely, I’m totally addicted to Google Shared Stuff, which is way better than Friendfeed.)

  • Also, if you open a new Google Document – log-in to Docs and pick New -> Document – you can then pick File -> “New airplaine” from the menu. This will result in a document pre-loaded with a paper airplane folding layout.
  • 还有,如果你打开Google Docs,登陆上去,选择新建->文档-你可以选择文件->然后选择“创建新的飞机”。结果就是你可以看到一个事先准备好的纸飞机的折叠图案
  • As reported, Google Japan now delivers special “Dajare” (Japanese puns) onebox results. This search will show one of them, for instance.
  • 据报道Google日本现在提供特殊的“Dajare”(日语双关语,维基词条 )的盒子搜索结果。这个搜索 会显示其中的一条。
  • Jon Henshaw reports that cars of the Google Street View fleet are now forced to paint road lines while driving the streets of Nashville. The Nashville Mayor is quoted to have said, “These Google cars ride up and down our streets, sometimes 12 or 5 times back and forth. They’re making pot holes, causing wrecks and costing our city millions of dollars ... If they’re going to ruin our streets, then they’re going to fix them at the same time.”
  • Jon Henshaw报道说Google街景地图车队在纳什维尔行驶的时候被要求粉刷路上的标志线。纳什维尔市市长说,“这些Google的车在我们的街上开过来开过去,有时候来回十几趟。他们把路都弄的坑坑洼洼的,引发不少交通事故,害我们花掉数百万美元...如果他们再把我们的大街弄的一团糟,他们要立马修好。”
  • Gmail now offers a “custom time” feature. The Google custom time help page explains you need to click “Set custom time” from the Compose view. Then, “Any email you send to the past appears in the proper chronological order in your recipient’s inbox. You can opt for it to show up read or unread by selecting the appropriate option.” According to their explanations, Gmail utilizes an “e-flux capacitor to resolve issues of causality.” Finally – I was wishing for this exact thing back in August 2004!
  • Gmail现在提供指定时间的功能了。Google定时功能帮助页面上解释道你只要在写信视图上点“设置指定时间”。然后你发往过去的邮件也会按时间顺序出现在收件人的收件箱里。你可以勾选相应的选择框把邮件设置成已读或未读。“根据他们的解释Gmail使用一种e-flux电容解决了因果关系问题。”最后-我在2004年八月份 期待的东西终于推出了。
  • PC World describes a new Google effort to organize all of human ignorance. Google CEO Eric Schmidt says, “Admittedly, human ignorance is vast – perhaps unlimited – but our goal is to organize all of it. Consistent with our mobile strategy, we aim to provide anytime, anywhere ignorance.” Eric adds the feature may not be for everyone, but that “Here at Google we just want to give people options. Ignorance is an option and we want people to have that option.”
  • 个人电脑世界描述道Google新的目标是组织全人类的无知。Google首席执行官Eric Schmidt说,“不得不承认,人类的无知多么的巨大-可能是无限的-我们的目标是把这些都组织起来。”Eric补充道这项功能不是每个人都会用到,但是在Google我们要给人们这一选择。无知是一个选择,人们也要拥有。
  • Google China invests in human search. Google’s automated translation of the homepage sheds more light on this (in a you’re-in-a-dark-cellar-wearing-sunshades-and-your- tiny-flashlight-is-half-empty kind of lightshedding way): “Not only can people search meat in the shortest possible time to expose the truth behind a certain door for a three public recognition of a seven find the moral position, but also not in the reach of the network, and explore the jungle found the most beautiful girls, the most moving mountains pastoralists, the most mysterious desert cave, the ultimate romantic encounter…… meat search pursuit of the highest goal is: do not seek the best, but for the most meat.”
  • Google中国投资人肉搜索 Google的机器翻译可以让我们了解一些眉目(就像你戴着墨镜走在地窖里小小的手电筒又快没有电了那种了解):“人肉搜索不仅可以在最短时间内揭露某某门背后的真相, 为某三某七找到大众认可的道德定位,还可以在网络无法触及的地方, 探寻并发现最美丽的丛林少女,最感人的高山牧民,最神秘的荒漠洞窟,最浪漫的终极邂逅…… 人肉搜索追求的最高目标是:不求最好,但求最肉。”(该段翻译来自人肉搜索介绍 )
  • Google competitor Microsoft in the mean-time came up with a plan that’s so crazy it just might work, Search Engine Land reports. Instead of buying Yahoo to beat Google, they will pay people in the US $1 million per year to not use Google. A special program will monitor their web activitiy to ensure this. Danny Sullivan comments, “Absurdly expensive? It can seem that way at first, but consider the math. There’s an estimated 300 million people living in the United States. If you pay each one $1 million for the next three years, that’s just under $1 billion. That saves Microsoft $39 billion compared to what it was going to spend on purchasing Yahoo.”
  • Search Engine Land报道Google竞争对手微软想出了一个非常疯狂但是可行的计划。他们决定不要通过收购雅虎打败Google,他们每年给不使用Google的用户100万美金。一款特殊的程序会监视他们的网络活动保证他们不去使用Google。Danny Sullivan评论道,“非常贵是吧,咋一看来好像是这样,但是打打算盘就清楚了,美国有3亿居住人口,下面的三年里每年每人付给他们100万,还不到1万亿。和收购雅虎比起来一下省下来39万亿。”(译者注:仔细算过之后发现这笔买卖不划算,因为连续3年每年付给每个用户100万要花掉900万亿,收购雅虎是40万亿,微软的玩笑开的有点大了。)
  • In case you have trouble getting out of the bed in the morning, Google Calendar’sWake Up Kit” uses notifications which are “progressively more annoying” to wake you up. From the description: “First it will send an SMS message to your phone. If that fails, more coercive means will be used. The kit includes an industrial-sized bucket and is designed to be connected to your water main for automatic filling.”
  • 如果你早起有困难Google日历的叫醒工具包会使用逐步升级的提醒把你叫醒。描述里说:“首先它会发一条短息到你的手机。如果短信不管用将会采取强硬手段来解决问题。该工具包包含一个标准尺寸的水桶,可以直接连接水管,自动灌满。”
  • Google’s social network site Orkut turned into Yogurt today, according to their logo.
  • 从他们的图标 来看Google的社交网站Orkut今天变成了Yogurt
  • The Virtual Tourism blog found out that Google Street View censors the logos of competing companies, like Yahoo, Microsoft or Apple. In a live demo, you can reproduce how when you near towards the Apple store, the view goes black, noting “The image is no longer available.”
  • Virtual Tourism blog发现Google街景模式移除了竞争对手公司的图标,比如雅虎,微软和苹果。在一个现场演示中,你可以再现你朝苹果专卖店走,会突然黑屏,显示“该图片不存在。”
  • Google Calendar has a new “I’m feeling lucky” button. Just log-in to your calendar, click on a day, and in the box that pops up, hit the Feeling Lucky button. Now a random new event will be added, like one reading “Date with Anna Kournikova” (or George W. Bush, Lois Griffin and others).
  • Google日历添加新的“运气不错”按钮。登陆到你的日历上,选择一天,然后在跳出来的标签点击运气不错 按钮。一个随即的事件就会添加进来,就像有人看到“和安娜·库尔尼科娃约会”(或者布什,Lois Griffin(Family Guy中的角色)或其他人)。
  • Search Engine Roundtable has not one but four news items today. Including “Microsoft Buys Yahoo So Google Buys Microsoft in Hostile Takeover” and “Matt Cutts Transfers to Performics - Will Assume Lead SEO Role”. In regards to the latter item, Barry Schwartz writes, “Google has decided to reinforce Performics, a company that came with the Doubleclick Acquisition, by transferring long time search quality lead Matt Cutts into a role with the search engine optimization firm. This immediately strengthens the perceived value of working with Performics, since Matt is obviously very familiar with the Google algorithm”.
  • 搜索引擎圆桌日志今天出现了4条而不是一条新闻。包括“在恶意收购中,微软收购了雅虎,Google收购了微软”和“Matt Cutts ”
  • The Google Sightseeing blog reports on two new view mode in Google Earth and Google Maps. One is x-ray, the other is thermal imagery; with these new modes, you can literally see inside buildings.
  • 据Google观光日志报道 Google地球和Google地图上添加了两个新的模式。一个是X光模式,还有一个是红外模式;有了这两种模式你甚至可以看到建筑的内部了。
  • Questions and answers service Uclue shows proof that Larry and Sergey grabbed their April Fool’s ideas from their site. “Every year we run an April Fools gag at our site, in an attempt to gain a bit of publicity,” the Google co-founders post on the site, “We’re a bit short of ideas to use for this year. Could you provide a few suggestions for us to choose from?”
  • 问答服务网站Uclue拿出证据说Larry和Sergey从他们的网站得到愚人节的主意。“每年我们的网站都会有愚人节玩笑,也是为了吸引更多的人,”Google的创始人在这个网站上写道 ,“今年要推出什么内容还没有定。能不能给些建议供我们选择?”
  • The Rimm-Kaufman Group say they cracked Google’s press release server, uncovering news of several “open platform" releases; refresh their page for more news.
  • Rimm-Kaufman Group说他们破解了Google新闻发布服务器,发现了一些开放平台的发布新闻;更多新闻参看他们的最新新闻。
  • The Google Russia blog announced the release of Google Cash. Ihar in the forum explains, “Since everyone is used to cash in Russia, that’s the most convenient way for them ... The machine doesn’t actually collect money, it destroys them, after scanning the bill and sending the number to the Central Bank.”
  • Google俄国日志宣布了Google兑现服务的发布。Ihar在论坛里解释道,“在俄国每个人都使用现金,对他们来说比较方便...这台机器实际上不会收集钱,它会在把扫描到的金额发送到中央银行,然后把钱粉碎掉。”
  • Google AdSense introduces AdSense for conversations. These ads will be displayed on top of the head of others as you talk, making Google context-relevant money. Google remarks that ads can be turned off depending on who you talk with. “Yes; we understand that there’s a time and place for ads in conversations, as a chat with a friend isn’t quite the same as an interview with a prospective employer or parole officer. That’s why we let you choose which conversations to target using the ’Allowed Conversations’ feature, located under your AdSense Setup tab.”
  • Google Adsense推出了交谈AdSense。在你讲话的时候广告就会出现在别人头上,通过内容相关帮助Google挣钱。根据我谈话的对象广告也可以关掉的。“是的;我们理解显示广告也是要分时间和地点的,朋友之间的聊天和你未来老板的面试或者和假释官的谈话是完全不同的。这就是为什么我们在你的AdSense 设置标签下提供‘允许的谈话’功能选择允许出现广告的谈话。”
  • The French Abondance blog announced that Google is the new main sponsor of the Paris Saint Germain football club, showing photo proof, too.
  • 法国的Abondance blog宣布Google成为巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部新的赞助商,还提供了图片证明。
  • The French Google blog Zorgloob is showing their new “Google Blogoscoped” logo. I’m sure they will write an announcement post soon.
  • 法语Google日志Zorgloob 展示了他们新的“Google Blogoscoped”图标。我确信他们会写个帖子。
  • ReadWriteWeb is the first to report on Google DreamAds. According to their post, DreamAds are one of the most ambitious Google projects yet: it integrates AdSense into dreams. “It may sound far-fetched, but an inside source at Google told us that it is very possible thanks to the latest in cheap magnetic resonance scanning and mind-reading techniques developed at Stanford University.”
  • ReadWriteWeb第一个报道了Google DreamAds。从他们的报道来看DreamAds是Google最具野心的项目:它会把AdSense集成到梦里。“听起来像是天方夜谭,但是据Google知情人士透露利用斯坦福大学最新开发的磁谐振扫描和心灵感应技术这完全是可能的。”
  • Google’s Matt Cutts said he’d skip April Fool’s this year, though he got a Firefox tattoo instead!
  • Google的Matt Cutts说他会跳过今年的愚人节,但是要做一个Firefox的纹身。
  • The Yahoo chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen in a video tells employees that starting next week, they should discreetly board one of the 694 Google shuttles to get to work. Valleywag has more.
  • 雅虎财务主管Blake Jorgensen在一个视频里对他们的员工讲下个星期开始他们要慎重考虑乘Google的694架航天飞机中的一架上班了。更多细节参看Valleywag
  • Frank Taylor writes that if you zoom out far enough, Google Earth’s continents will merge into one, just as they “may have appeared hundreds of millions of years ago.”
  • Frank Taylor写道,如果你缩的足够小,Google地球上的大陆会合成一体,就像几千万年前的那个样子。
  • The Googlified blog seems to be closing shop; it currently replaced all articles with a LOLCAT-flavored Google search engine. A button reads, “I can has lucky?”
  • Googlified blog好像要关掉了;现在所有的文章都被一个搞笑猫版本的Google搜索引擎替代了。一个按钮上写道,“我有好运吗?”

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