Monday, October 26, 2009








Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 the year of smartphone

2008 withnessed the success of iphone. All the other cell phone
manufacturer take apple as a potential threat. The iphone story is no
less than a modern legend. There are only three generations of one
model. While all its competitors have at leat a dozen different
models. And almost all the new arrivals from those guys are depicted
as an iphone killer. But there is no such thing in exist yet. The
mobile surfing market grew by leaps and bounds because of the shiny
thin device. Tens of thousands of apps are created and machantzed in
the apps store. Almost all the mainstream websites have an iphone
version specially optimized for the touch control. And the price is
reasonaly compared to the so called high end Nokia phones. As more
users put their hand on iphone. Price drop from the other
manufacturers are expected. In the near future we may find the once
business only smartphones are within normal users' reach. 2009 is the
year when smartphone becomes more competitive and appealing. It is
true there is an ecomomy recession but the that is not the case with

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